Z​oos are living educational institutes and impart informal education and inspire empathy for wildlife, understanding and awareness about the need for conservation of natural resources, besides maintaining ecological balance. Now, zoos have also become the place of instinct development for wildlife and environment. The education section of the National Zoological Park helps to make visitor’s experiences meaningful and rewarding. This section is responsible for the planning and execution of educational programs, production of zoo publications like the guide book, guide map, brochure leaflets etc, and all informal education related work.

To sensitise and spread awareness about wildlife and its conservation, the zoo also streams documentary films, uses informative signages, initiates keeper talks etc. These can be witnessed in the educational centre of the zoo or by interacting with the audio-visual technological add-ons present in the zoo.

एनजेडपी न्यूज़ / इवेंट्स के लिए रजिस्टर करें

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